Take better decisions

A Cutting-Edge Optimisation Platform

Flowty is a prescriptive analytics platform based on column generation and resource-constrained shortest-path subproblems.

Use Flowty to solve complex tasks in planning & scheduling, routing, supply chain & network optimization.  

Products & Services

The Flowty Solver combined with one or more Flowty Models makes up an application solving a business problem.

The Flowty Solver

The Flowty Solver are best-in-class algorithms designed to solve network optimisation problems.

The Flowty Solver takes input from a Flowty Model to compute optimal outputs.

The Flowty Model

A Flowty Model defines input for the Solver by a business problem expressed in mathematical notation as decision variables, objective function, constraints and graph representations. 

Plug a Flowty Model into the Flowty Solver to use the cutting-edge algorithms.

We Support You All the Way

Build yourself
If your team has the skills and experience to design and implement the mathematical notations in the Flowty Models, you can start taking advantage of the Solver immediately. We provide a thorough onboarding, making sure you get a flying start. 

Outsource to Flowty
If you do not have mathematical optimisation expertise available, that is not a problem. Flowty has a team of experts who offer design, implementation, monitoring & optimisation services.  

Based on Award-Winning Research

Simon & Bjørn, Co-founders of Flowty

Simon Spoorendonk and Bjørn Petersen

The two founders have received several awards for their research in large-scale optimisation methods. During their Ph.D. and postdoctoral studies they have developed key algorithmic contributions. This is the foundation the Flowty solver is build upon.

Subset-row inequalities applied to the vehicle-routing problem with time windows
M Jepsen, B Petersen, S Spoorendonk, D Pisinger
Operations Research 56 (2), 497, 2008

Cut and column generation
S Spoorendonk
Ph.D. thesis, University of Copenhagen, 2008

Shortest Paths and Vehicle Routing
B Petersen
Ph.D. thesis, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), 2011

When To Use Flowty

Planning & Scheduling

This is the question of optimizing whenwherehow and who, often related to the planning tasks with limited resources.
Examples are workforce planning, project planning, and task scheduling.


Routing problems are natural network optimization problems. In logistics, one is often challenged to find the least cost, feasible path for an entire fleet. This may involve multi-modal transportation like truck, air, rail, ship,  drone, etc.

Supply Chain & Network Optimisation

Supply chain optimization problems, also known as network flow problems, are decisions on how to optimize the throughput of your supply chain to maximize revenue. An extension is the network design version that additionally determines the topology of the network. The application ranges from optimization of logistics networks to layout optimization of telecom networks or wind farms. 

Trusted by Global Enterprises and Leading Universities

Let’s Get in Touch

Do you have any questions or would like to get more information about Flowty and how we can help you? Maybe you just want to say hi?